
Attention : Insurance Advisors

Free Live Webinar: Learn How To Grow Your Sales Fast Without Chasing People

Selling is a process, which gives maximum outputs when it’s steps are followed in the right sequence. People who are excellent in selling, have understood this process well.

25th MAY | THU
9:00 PM - 10.30 PM

Anand Kumar

Sales Growth Coach, Mindset Trainer
Conducted more than 270+ programs
touching more than 17000 lives

Do You Face Any Of These Challenges?

I Don’t Know How & Where To Find My Leads

Are you confused about who to target and where to find them?

I Am Working Hard, Still Not Able To Generate Leads

Are you not clear about how to approach your clients

It Is Hard To Get Appointment Of Leads

Do you feel stuck when your leads tell you ‘I’m not interested’.

I Feel Nervous In Talking To People of High Net Worth

Do you feel lack of confidence while
reaching out to strangers?

Many People Don’t Respect LIC Agents

Do you feel low because of thought that many people don’t respect you.

I Don’t Know How To Market Myself Effectively

Are you not clear about how to market yourself effectively.

What You Will Learn:

  • How to have the Right Mindset: Hidden mental blocks unconsciously stop you from growing. If you want to grow, it’s critical to be aware of those mental blocks and eliminate them.
  • How to have Strong Foundation of Sales: There is a structure to every sale. Having the right foundation helps you get maximum sales from your efforts.
  • Top Strategies to Generate Quality Leads: For any business to grow, leads must be generated on consistent basis. Using effective strategies help you attract right leads.

Meet Your Coach

Anand Kumar

Anand Kumar is a Sales Growth Coach, Mindset Trainer and the founder of Mindful Sales Growth Hub.

He is on a mission to help 100,000 entrepreneurs grow their sales and impact through mindful selling so that their sales keep on growing and they have excellent lifestyle for themselves and their family.

He himself being an entrepreneur, have gone through all the challenges, an entrepreneur goes through while running a business. His biggest challenge in his entrepreneurial journey has not been the product design (by grace of God, that is his strength), but selling. He was extremely poor in selling primarily because he was introverted and didn’t like to promote himself and his product.

In order to change his own life, he has gone through lots of grind and training from world class trainers. And thankfully, now he has moved from introvert to ambivert and from disliking selling process to enjoying it. Selling is the most rewarding profession and anyone who uses right mindset, understands buyer’s psychology, and positions his products in persuasive manner, will always win it.

In order to teach this, he has designed powerful courses which can help entrepreneurs grow their sales and impact to a whole new level.

He has 25+ years of corporate experience. He has worked with various corporates in India, USA, UK, France, Thailand, Malaysia, Mongolia and Russia.

So far, he has conducted 270+ programs touching more than 17000 lives.

Trained With

  • World renowned Trainer Tony Robbins in USA
  • Train the Trainer from Mr. Sunil Parekh (Rise Development Academy)
  • NLP Practitioner from NLP Dr. Richard Bandler, Co-founder of NLP
  • Digital Leadership Coach Siddharth Rajsekar
  • Advanced Communication Bronze and Advanced Leader Bronze from Toastmasters International
  • ‘360 Degree Leadership’ from University of Central Missouri, USA and  Dale Carnegie Institute

Trusted By Many Happy Students

Nobody could have better explained conscious and subconscious minds than Anand sir. Training with him has bought out a better understanding in terms of the sales cycle and sales procedures. There automatically builds a positive vibe while training with him. The understanding of mental power, and how to use it effectively and efficiently has brought out a huge change in my thinking, be it professionally or personally.

Haswini Murali, Sales Professional

Your training program has proved to be very useful for my LIC business and personal life. It has helped me become focussed in all activities and stay positive in all situations. It has improved my interactions with prospects and customers leading to better relationship and more business. Overall I feel very confident in taking my business to the next level.

Ashokkumar P.Nadar​ LIC Advisor

In recent years, my sales has rapidly grown and the secret of this is Anand ji's training.Understansing what's going on in customer's mind is the most important thing to know in any selling situation. From this training, I have learnt to understand customer buying psychology and give presentation accordingly.

Prabhunath Jaiswal LIC Advisor, Mumbai

Thank you so much Anand, Your Training was amazingly informative with super Clarity of Thought. You are a Genuine Heart Oriented Trainer. You give so much value and are genuinely concerned about the spiritual emotional and physical growth of your students.

Zenobia Khodaiji Entrepreneur & Coach

Awesome to be part of this workshop. Not attending means you are losing something very important in life. Thank you sir appreciation, gratitude and blessings

Amritpal Singh, Entrepreneur

What others speak

Video Testimonials

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few pointers before you attend this webinar.

This interactive webinar will go on for about 2 hours. Coach has a very powerful way to share complex concepts in a very simple way. You will learn all the aspects on how to grow you sales and impact.

If you are really serious about growing your sales, bookmark your calendar and attend the webinar from start to finish without any distractions. Make sure you are sitting in a quiet place with a notepad, pen, and paper handy. 

Yes, certainly. In fact it will be of immense help in getting the mindset and foundation right at the start of the 

Yes. Coach will talk about the group coaching program and membership into the Business Success Hub community at the end of the webinar. If you resonate with this concept and wish to continue on the learning journey, you can grab the special offer that will be given only in the webinar.