

मान लिया तो हार है और ठान लिया तो जीत | If you ACCEPT it is DEFEAT and if you DECIDE then WIN

In this video, I have shared my personal story on how Thomas Edison’s response (to reaction of a press reporter) inspired me not to withdraw/give up. There is a very powerful saying – मान लिया तो हार है और ठान लिया तो जीत | If you ACCEPT it is DEFEAT and if you DECIDE then […]

मान लिया तो हार है और ठान लिया तो जीत | If you ACCEPT it is DEFEAT and if you DECIDE then WIN Read More »

क्यों सीमित विश्वासों को तोड़ना आपकी सफलता और खुशी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है I Why breaking Limiting Beliefs is critical for your success and happiness.

There are reasons why people have limiting beliefs. These beliefs act as brakes in their life, stopping them from achieving big successes. No one can have long lasting success and happiness if they have limiting beliefs. Watch this video to get understanding on how limiting beliefs get creating in one’s life.

क्यों सीमित विश्वासों को तोड़ना आपकी सफलता और खुशी के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है I Why breaking Limiting Beliefs is critical for your success and happiness. Read More »

किसी भी लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए 5 कदम | 5 Steps To Achieve Any Goal.

Have you ever set goals and couldn’t achieve? Do you wander how a few others are able to achieve all their goals and become super successful.  In this video, you will learn there are 5 steps to achieve any goal. People who have become hugely successful, they all have followed these 5 steps. Challenge is

किसी भी लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए 5 कदम | 5 Steps To Achieve Any Goal. Read More »

8 प्रमुख मानसिकताएं जो आपको अमीर बनने से रोकती हैं | 8 Key Mindsets Which Stop You From Becoming Rich.

अगर आपकी आमदनी एक सीमा से आगे नहीं बढ़ रही है या पैसा आता है लेकिन चला जाता है, टिकता नहीं है, अनजाने में आप गरीब और मध्यम वर्ग के लोगों की तरह सोच रहे हैं और अमीर लोगों की तरह नहीं | If Your Income Isn’t Growing Beyond A Threshold Limit Or Money Comes

8 प्रमुख मानसिकताएं जो आपको अमीर बनने से रोकती हैं | 8 Key Mindsets Which Stop You From Becoming Rich. Read More »

Survival Mindset Vs Growth Mindset

If Your Business Isn’t Growing, You are Running Your Business With Survival Mindset And Not With Growth Mindset | यदि आपका व्यवसाय नहीं बढ़ रहा है, तो आप अपने व्यवसाय को सर्वाइवल माइंडसेट के साथ चला रहे हैं न कि ग्रोथ माइंडसेट के साथ ।In this video, you will learn 4 key differences between Survival Mindset

Survival Mindset Vs Growth Mindset Read More »

5 Mindsets That Won’t Let LIC Advisors Generate Leads Effectively | 5 मानसिकताएं जो LIC सलाहकारों को प्रभावी ढंग से लीड उत्पन् नहीं करने देंगी|

When I ask LIC Advisors about number 1 challenge they face in growing their business, most of them say – “Lead Generation”. Lead Generation is a critical part of any business. There must be a constant flow of Leads. More Leads mean more customers and more income. However, many LIC advisors don’t put in conscious

5 Mindsets That Won’t Let LIC Advisors Generate Leads Effectively | 5 मानसिकताएं जो LIC सलाहकारों को प्रभावी ढंग से लीड उत्पन् नहीं करने देंगी| Read More »